Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lost communities

Having the internet for your source of communication not only to do you lack face-to-face communication and miss body gesture, your also missing out on community. You may have many friends other places but they might not be local anymore. "But what technology gives, it can also take away. The time Kate spends communicating with people around the world may take away from her participation in her local community. She does not interact much with her neighbors, nor does she belong to any local associations or clubs." Collins and Halverson (2009) (p.12) Due to this same problem when you run into people in your community you now don't share any common backgrounds because you don't participate in your local community. "Communication becomes more difficult because they do not share the same background..." Collins and Halverson(2009) (p.12-13)

(Christina Fitchlee)

1 comment:

  1. Its is also possible to be a part of a cyber peer culture. People develop many strong relationships online. Some people decide to get married and have only had conversations online. Technology provides an opportunity to develop communities in new ways. Websites like facebook promote online dating and is a peer culture/community within itself.
    (Andrea Rivers)
